Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reasons, Treason and Me

Welcome to my forced-upon blog :'(

haha kidding JUST KIDDING! <awkward silence>

soo umm... oh yeah WELCOME TO MY BLOG! (no shizz sherlock)  If you probably still don't know who I am or what the heck you're doing reading this it probably has something to with school, boredom, getting tipsy/high or perhaps any combination of the three. Whether you call it lucky or UNlucky to have stumbled upon this unfortunate piece of -bleep- I will perfectly understand if you choose to just close the little x button on the upper right something side of you screen but if you choose not to... you have been fairly warned.
You can thank the birth of this blog to my teacher(s) (haha sa mga taga rs dalawa sila nagsabi na sa blogger shizz ang mga test blah :P) whose name(s) shall be hidden *coughcough* for military secrecy or just in I do in fact take over the world and someone plans to take me down by kidnapping the people I know.

sooo yeah... here I am... -sigh-

Quick List of who I am...

Name: lets stick with Anthony shall we?
Age: 15ish~
Likes: Reading... a lot
Quote: If you've gotta dream you might as well dream big...

sooo gotta go hope you follow me PEACE OUT!